
Trick or Treat!

For those of you who know me, you may have heard this tirade before. I apologize for any repetition.

Most people have an idea of what age people should be to go trick or treating. Little kids are fine. 10 year olds are okay. High schoolers? They are too old.

I disagree. Why should teenagers be left out of the fun experiences of life, like trick or treating? Halloween is a really exciting time for kids, and it only comes once a year. For many teens, participating in the festivities is a way to hang onto childhood just a bit longer. Life may be full of romance problems, chores, arguing with parents, peer pressure, understanding sexuality, getting a job, and feeling numerous conflicting emotions. But on one day, you can dress up like a ninja, giggle with your friends, and eat a bunch of free candy. How great is that?

And what would be the alternative? I know I am bordering on 'old,' but I doubt the world has changed super-drastically since I was a teenager. And I remember what we were doing when we weren't trick or treating. Believe me, its much better for society as a whole to have teens begging candy rather than getting wasted and egging houses.

As a high school teacher, I see that the world treats teens poorly. They are displaced. They don't fit into the adult world, nor are they children. As if they don't have enough stress, they have to face the fact that they don't quite belong. The last thing they need to hear is a snide comment like "Aren't you a little old for this?" Maybe they are. But they don't need to be told. Just give them candy, wish them a happy day, and let them remain innocent and youthful one day longer.

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