
Googling myself just got interesting

You know how when we have spare time, we google ourselves? Yeah, don't pretend you don't do this. It's irresistable. Anyway, I googled myself today, and I found not one but TWO Harry Potter fanfiction stories (here and here) featuring a character named Sadie Fischer (and no, they are not erotic fanfiction stories, so no worries). They appear to be by two different writers, but maybe one was inspired by a character the other created. I am a pretty big Potter fan, and I think I would have remembered if there was a character named Sadie Fischer. I'm pretty sure. So, yeah. It's fun to google yourself.

This is much better than the time I googled myself in college and found a local band called "Kill Sadie." That was just scary. I kept wondering who I had pissed off and hoping it was just a clever title, not a manifesto. But their wikipedia page explains the origin of the name, which I don't recall involving me...


J-Rod said...

From Kill Sadie's wikipedia:

"Like most pre-emo bands in the 90's Indie scene they were very very different and clandestine."

Like most, they were different.

Hmmm...doesn't that mean they were the "same"?

Cruelty-Free Mommy said...

I think we are encountering a break in the pre-emo/time continuum...